355 research outputs found


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    Ahmad Hariri 1410140003. Skripsi ini berjudul Upaya Peningkatan Minat Baca Anak Jalanan Melalui Kegiatan Perpustakaan Keliling Rumah Ilmu Bazma di Komplek Makam Sunan Gunung Jati Cirebon. Penelitian ini menganalisis upaya peningkatan minat baca terhadap anak jalanan yang berada di komplek makam Sunan Gunung Jati Cirebon, melalui kegiatan perpustakaan keliling yang diadakan oleh Rumah Ilmu Bazma. Komplek makam Sunan Gunung Jati merupaka salah satu tujuan ziarah yang sangat populer. Selain itu, keberadaan anak-anak yang meminta-minta sudah menjadi pemandangan biasa di kawasan tersebut. Kegiatan ini dilakukan untuk membantu memutus mata rantai anak jalanan dan bertujuan sebagai upaya penyelamatan dan perbaikan masa depan mereka dengan meningkatkan penetahuan melalui kegemaran membaca. Anak jalanan identik dengan kehidupan di bawah rata-rata. Pendidikan yang sulit mereka peroleh karena keterbatasan biaya dan akses, menjadikan mereka memilih untuk acuh dengan hal tersebut. Bagaimana tidak, kebutuhan pangan mereka pun harus dicari hari demi hari. Upaya pemerataan hak anak oleh Pemerintah belum begitu efektif. Hal tersebut dapat dilihat dari akses sarana dan prasana yang belum secara merata dirasakan oleh anak jalanan. Data dari penelitian ini adalah wawancara serta observasi kepada penyelenggara, sasaran, masyarakat sekitar, dan institusi terkait. Peneliti menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif untuk menganalisis data. Meski tidak semua anak jalanan yang penulis temui bersedia diwawancarai dan lebih memilih untuk melanjutkan aktifitas mengemisnya, namun 13 anak jalanan berhasil didata yang keseluruhannya adalah yang bersedia untuk mengunjungi dan menjadi peserta perpustakaan keliling Rumah Ilmu. Upaya peningkatan minat baca anak-anak jalanan adalah dengan menyelenggarakan perpustakaan keliling tersebut. Ajakan budaya membaca untuk anak-anak jalanan ini tentunya tidak semudah yang dilakukan pada anak-anak yang kehidupannya normal. Dibutuhkan strategi yang kreatif dan berkelanjutan oleh para fasilitator/petugas penyelenggara perpustakaan keliling Rumah Ilmu. Penelitian mengenai upaya peningkatan minat baca pada anak jalanan di Komplek makam Sunan Gunungjati ini diharapkan mampu menjadi pembuka akses bagi mereka, sekaligus menambah pengetahuan mereka untuk bekal kehidupan masa depan yang lebih layak

    Sosialisasi VRF Route Corridor dan Flight Training Area kepada Masyarakat Penerbangan Federasi Aero Sport Indonesia (FASI) di Banyuwangi

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    Abstract – Aero Sport is a type of aerospace sport that grew together with the world of aviation, both civil and military. The perpetrators of this extreme sport must understand flying safety procedures to minimize the dangers and risks faced. To bring up the growth of interest in aerospace sports, it is necessary to carry out ongoing socialization and education efforts for the pilot community who are members of the Indonesian Aero Sport Federation (FASI) or other general public. This PKM activity is carried out as part of a series of community service activities for the Banyuwangi API Institution. The activity was carried out for 3 days with participants from the FASI pilot community, APIB cadets, and Banyuwangi scout students. The results of the activity showed a positive response to the interest in aerospace sports which was disserted with the establishment of a DATC organization under the auspices of APIB. From this activity, the pilot community gained an understanding of the VRF Route Corridor and the Flight Training Area for the Banyuwangi API. Keyword: Aero Sport, Community Service, API Banyuwangi, FASI


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    Situational awareness is an important aspect that a pilot must have as an operator in the aviation sector. This aspect plays an important role in maintaining safety in flight operations. Situational awareness is also an important material in the education and training of prospective pilots. The situational awareness study among pilots is an important study to do. The purpose of writing this article is to conduct a literature review of pilot situational awareness in the field of aviation. The study was conducted by searching the literature for research publications within the last 25 years. The review is carried out by compiling research summaries sequentially according to the year of publication. Research topic grouping is done to get the amount of research according to the topic and topic area. The analysis is carried out to get an overview of future research trends. The results of the study show that the number of research tends to increase after 2015. While the research topics that are mostly studied are the implementation and analysis of pilot situational awareness

    Life Cycle Assessment of Thermal Storage System

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    The main equipments of Thermal Storage System are Steam Absorption Chiller (SAC), Electric Chiller (EC) and Thermal Energy Storage (TES) Tank. Manufacturing and disposal process of these equipments may cause some effects to the environment, either directly or indirectly. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) was normally done to assess these effects. This study was done by referring to the Thermal Storage System of Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS Gas District Cooling Plant (UTP GDC)

    Perahu Ketinting Bagi Masyarakat Nelayan di Kabupaten Banyuwangi: Pengabdian Masyarakat oleh Akademi Penerbang Indonesia Banyuwangi

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    The fishing community is one of the community groups that need attention and assistance. This community service activity is carried out by the Banyuwangi Indonesian Aviation Academy (APIB) with the aim of providing assistance to the fishing community. The activity partners are the community in Kedungasri village, Muncar sub-district and Wringinputih village, Tegaldlimo sub-district. The assistance provided is 1 unit of ketinting boat for each partner. The handover of aid is given directly by signing the Handover Sertificate of Grants with the Village Heads of the two partners. The handover activity was also attended by the Head of the District. This activity is a form of APIB's contribution to the surrounding community


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    Tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis pengaruh Service Quality terhadap Student Satisfaction padap Mahasiswa Taruna Diploma 3 Politeknik Penerbangan Indonesia Curug. Penelitian ini termasuk dalam jenis penelitian causal dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Populasi dalam penelitian ini merupakan mahasiswa Mahasiswa Taruna Diploma 3 Politeknik Penerbangan Indonesia Curug sebanyak 180 orang dengan teknik pengambilan sampel yaitu sampling purposive, sehingga sampel yang digunakan yaitu sebanyak 124 Taruna. Metode pengumpulan data pada penelitian ini menggunakan kuisioner yang disebarkan atau dibagikan kepada responden sesuai dengan jumlah sampel yang ditetapkan. Teknik analisis yang digunakan pada penelitian ini menggunakan regresi linier sederhana yang pada akhirnya dapat diambil kesimpulan berupa hasil analisis yaitu berupa terdapat pengaruh signifikan positif Service Quality terhadap Student Satisfaction pada Mahasiswa Taruna Diploma 3 Politeknik Penerbangan Indonesia Curu

    Amygdala reactivity predicts adolescent antisocial behavior but not callous-unemotional traits.

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    Recent neuroimaging studies have suggested divergent relationships between antisocial behavior (AB) and callous-unemotional (CU) traits and amygdala reactivity to fearful and angry facial expressions in adolescents. However, little work has examined if these findings extend to dimensional measures of behavior in ethnically diverse, non-clinical samples, or if participant sex, ethnicity, pubertal stage, and age moderate associations. We examined links between amygdala reactivity and dimensions of AB and CU traits in 220 Hispanic and non-Hispanic Caucasian adolescents (age 11-15; 49.5% female; 38.2% Hispanic), half of whom had a family history for depression and thus were at relatively elevated risk for late starting, emotionally dysregulated AB. We found that AB was significantly related to increased right amygdala reactivity to angry facial expressions independent of sex, ethnicity, pubertal stage, age, and familial risk status for depression. CU traits were not related to fear- or anger-related amygdala reactivity. The present study further demonstrates that AB is related to increased amygdala reactivity to interpersonal threat cues in adolescents, and that this relationship generalizes across sex, ethnicity, pubertal stage, age, and familial risk status for depression

    The amygdala: inside and out

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    Research at the interface of psychology, neuroscience, molecular biology, and genetics, focusing on the amygdala, has begun to reveal a rule book for emotional reactions. Variations in intrinsic and extrinsic factors tweak the sensitivity of the amygdala, giving rise to differences in behavior between individuals. At their most extreme, these variations may generate psychological disorders, and even our current rudimentary understanding of this brain region suggests novel strategies for the treatment of such disorders
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